Press Release (ENG) (Bremen, 29 November 2002) - Annual Award for Video Art Bremen 2002: The Prize Winners
The Filmbüro Bremen has awarded €6500 for the 11th Annual Award for Video Art. As a special feature of this prize, the winners are recognised for their concepts rather than completed works. The finished compositions will be presented next year in one of Bremen's museums or exhibition halls.
Since 1992, The Annual Award has been presented by the Filmbüro Bremen in co-operation with the Bremen Senator of Home Affairs, Culture and Sport; the Bremischen Landesmedienanstalt; Radio Bremen and the Künstlerinnenverband Bremen, Gedok.
The winner of the first Award for Video Art in 1992 was Björn Melhus with his concept for a video chain letter "Essay Video Mail." In 2002 Björn Melhus had a major solo exhibition in the Kunsthalle Bremen.
Eligible applicants are artists in the German-speaking countries (Germany, Switzerland and Austria) as well as those from Bremen/Bremerhaven's twin towns. In 2002 there were 176 submissions received, an increase of more than 50 percent over the previous year.
Two prize winners were chosen from this strong pool of applicants. The announcement was made on November 29th in the Städtischen Galerie and was accompanied by a guest lecture from Prof. Dr. Siegfried Zielinski (Academy of Media Arts, Cologne) entitled: "Media Anarcheology".
The Jury 2002
– Rosanne Altstatt, Director, Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art, Oldenburg
– Rotraut Pape, Media Artist, Berlin
– Rudolf Frieling, Curator and Researcher, Centre for Art and Media Technology
(ZKM) Karlsruhe.
The Curator of the Award is Conny E. Voester (Berlin and Basel)
The Jury's Decision
Bremen, November 7 & 29, 2002
The Main Prize for the 11th Annual Award for Video Art (EUR 5000,--) was awarded by the jury to:
Matthias Fitz
for: PictureTubeRadio
working titel: Electromagnetic Plot
Literally from the onset, one of the basic goals of Media Art was to debate the materiality of the technical and electronic apparatus. In the tradition of avant-garde cross-over, Matthias Fitz uses technical equipment to measure low frequency electromagnetic radiation and as an audio-visual explorer, he reveals the invisible in picture and sound. By producing a device with an interactive DVD and a VLF (very low frequency) wave receiver for a normal TV set, the "Electromagnetic Plot" renders a scientific phenomenon artistically, creating an exciting juxtaposition between the measuring of reality and a poetically mysterious speculation.
The Regional 11th Annual Award for Video Art (EUR 1500,--) was awarded by the jury to:
Stefan Demming
for: Sofortbildbox (Instant Picture Box)
Stefan Demming's concept contributes to the debate over the Self, using a phenomenon well-known in film, photo and video: a "shadow effect". In a closed-circuit installation the artwork "Sofortbildbox" reflects a guiding theme of video art, the engagement with the Self and the image of the Self. His use of light flashes reveals the artistic potential, formulating our perception as "flash realisations" or as "spiritual flashes" in time and space.
Brief Descriptions from the Winning Entrants:
"PictureTubeRadio" is a DVD project working with electromagnetic radiation in the ELF (extremely low frequency) and VLF (very low frequency) wavelengths (30 -- 30000 Hz). The DVD offers various levels, narrative strands, facts, speculation and internet links to this subject. It is bundled with a VLF Wave Receiver which listens in on the "electromagnetic song" of the TV set.
Matthias Fitz, email: (Email-Adresse)
Installation for 1 Mac G4, 1 Camera, 1 Data Projector, 1 Rear Projection Screen , 1 Amplifier, 4 Speakers; Programmed In Max/Jitter.
In a dark room, visitors hear an electronic sound, a nervous buzzing and an electric crackle, which builds in intensity in irregular waves, and from time to time, discharges a loud, sharp click (similar to the click of a photographic shutter). In sync with these sounds, a flash fills the room, A time-delayed video sequence of the room, recorded during these flashes is then projected onto the wall such that the visitors can, for a moment, see a copy of themselves.
Stefan Demming (Email-Adresse)