Wochenende 6./7. Oktober 2018, jeweils 10-17 Uhr
Light Setting Seminar by Paul Jackson
Participants will learn basic light setting by copying scenes from selected movies.
Lighting is to paint with light someone has said, and it could not be described better. During two days, participants will learn basic light setting by copying scenes from selected movies, an exercise which is both fun and challenging. With a camera connected to a monitor it is easy to see what happens when a light is moved or get switched off, or if two more get added to the scene - trial and error at its best!
The course is most of the time "hands on", but also contains a bit of theory about light temperatures and other things good to know. The participants will also be briefed about how the use of different focal length lenses affects the photographic work - and how to adept to these changes.
Termin: Wochenende, 6./7.10.2018 , 10-17 Uhr
Ort: zentral in Bremen, wird noch bekannt gegeben
Teilnehmerzahl: 6
Teilnahmebeitrag: 100€ (Filmbüro Mitglieder 80€)
Anmeldung über (Email-Adresse)
Paul Jackson is a Swedish documentary filmmaker and journalist with 25 years of experience in the profession. He has also worked for two years as a video teacher for both adults and children
Arbeitsproben von Paul Jackson:
Fragen zum Workshop an: (Email-Adresse)