Russia today von Annegret Sachse
Dokumentarfilmessay. Microförderung Filmbüro Bremen 2017
Russia today
D/RU 2020, 93 min
A political documentary essay about Russia, filmed in Kaliningrad. Everyday observations of a region, its inhabitants, a nation - often associative, sometimes metaphorical, rarely unfamiliar.
Runners, numbers, applause. Fishers, horses, plows. Aggression, migration, surveillance, love. 2 spiders, 1 ring of power. Interweaving motifs gathered on their journey through the region, the German filmmaker and her Russian sound recordist assemble a mosaic of reflections on Russia’s current status quo. Fragments of conversations create a temporary space for personal encounters. The audience is invited to enter and connect.
a film by ANNEGRET SACHSE | faktor film | Berlin
sound YULIA GLUKHOVA | Moscow
co-producer OLGA YAKOVLEVA | august 26th studio | Saratov
East Silver Market 2020
Meeting Point - Vilnius, Coming Soon2018 - a Lithuanian film industry event for emerging European talents, where it was awarded a Cannes Film Market Work-in-Progress screening @ Vilnius IFF Goes to Cannes 2018
Funding Program for Women Artists in Film/Video, Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe 2017
Microfunding, Filmbüro Bremen 2017
German Films 2018
goEast Film Festival Wiesbaden/Germany 2016 Oppose Othering
Katalog des Institute of Documentary Film Prague:
RUSSIA TODAY von Annegret Sachse feiert seine Premiere Am 11.September 2021 auf dem Stadtlicher Filmfestival Berlin, Lichtenberg. Lichtenberg ist die Partnerstadt von Kaliningrad, dem Hauptdrehort des Filmes.