Finder von Oliver Held.
Ein Film aus der Kleinstprojektförderung 2006.
Experimentalfilm, 2006, 30:00 Min
Regie: Oliver Held
Kamera: Dirk Hendrischke
Ton: Dirk Hendrischke
Erkennungsdienstler: Heike Gauert
Zeuge: Christa Held
Die Menschen, die man am besten kennt, sind meist die aus der eigenen Familie. Man kennt ihre Stärken, ihre Schwächen, ihre Schrulligkeiten und ihre Vorlieben. Und genau diese Menschen sind es, deren Äußeres man am schlechtesten beschreiben kann. Ist man gezwungen diese Hülle zu beschreiben, weiß man zwar, was der Kern der Sache ist, übersieht aber, wie er sich nach außen darstellt. „Finder“ zeigt den Kampf um die richtigen Worte und die entsprechenden Formen.
Videoinstallation 2006
The people you know best are those from your own family. You know their abilities, their mistakes, their crankiness and their affectations. And they are exactly the persons whose outer appearance you can’t describe.
Maybe it’s because you see those persons more with your heart than with your eyes. Or maybe you created their image many years ago and you update that only occasionally.
In case you have to describe the outer appearance of a person of your own family, you will get the same problem like an artist when he works with people who act according to his orders. You are - in a way - so sure about the inner core of what/whom you describe that you loose sight of how it appears.
I forced my mother into such a situation by sending her to the police records department of Bremen. There she had to describe my face to a detective who created a phantom image to her description with a computer.
The video “FINDER” shows the struggle for the right words and expressions. It is for sure a self-portrait even though it is mostly created by other people.